

2018-07-06 09:48 文、图/材料学院 杨军 点击:[]


王成兵教授是材料学院2016年引进的学术骨干,其以第一作者撰写的两篇论文分别发表在材料领域知名期刊《J. Mater. Chem. A》(SCI一区,IF=9.931)和《Small》(SCI一区,IF=9.598)上。该工作采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术成功制备了一种具有纳米胶囊结构的非晶碳,该种特殊结构的非晶碳在低能量的电子束照射下会自发转变成纳米金刚石颗粒。并采用分子动力学模拟阐明了纳米金刚石的转变机制。该发现为在低温度下实现碳同素异形体之间的相变提供了一个很有前景的方法。

宋浩杰教授是材料学院2017年引进的学术骨干,其以第一作者撰写的论文《Facile synthesis of copper/polydopamine functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposites with enhanced tribological performance》在《Chemical Engineering Journal》(SCI一区,IF=6.735)正式发表。该工作通过聚多巴胺功能化在石墨烯纳米片表面原位生长高密度分散均匀的纳米铜,该复合材料具有优异的抗磨减摩性能,在润滑材料领域具有良好的应用前景。

崔永飞副教授是材料学院2016年引进的高水平博士,在《ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces》(SCI一区,IF=8.097)上发表研究工作。该工作将铁电BaTiO3与赤铁矿α-Fe2O3异质结合形成复合光催化剂,通过调控α-Fe2O3的质量分数,所获得的最佳组分的异质复合光催化剂展现出比单一BaTiO3和α-Fe2O3均优良的光催化降解罗丹明B的性能,这主要归因于异质结构促进光生载流子的有效分离,同时铁电内建电场能够抑制光生载流子的复合;同时研究发现BaTiO3与α-Fe2O3的界面形态对光催化效率起着至关重要的作用,过多的α-Fe2O3负载量会阻碍BaTiO3基体的光子吸收,并且导致光催化活性位点的缺失。


孔硌副教授是材料学院2015年引进的高水平博士,在《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》(SCI一区,IF=5.976)上发表研究工作。该工作在CNTs表面附载酞菁衍生物(CoTAP)构筑阻抗匹配层得到CoTAP-CNTs复合材料,通过低损耗CoTAP附载在CNTs表面构造异质界面,通过界面极化增强材料的吸波性能;低电导率CoTAP阻抗层减小了CNTs间的接触电阻,进而消弱了CNTs对电磁波的直接反射,该材料在X波段具有对电磁波低反射、强吸收的特点。

武清副教授是材料学院2016年引进的青年拔尖人才,在《Composites Science and Technology》(SCI一区,IF=5.16)发表题为《Effects of degree of chemical interaction between carbon fibers and surface sizing on interfacial properties of epoxy composites》论文。该工作探讨了碳纤维、上浆剂与树脂三者间的化学作用机理,并基于三者间化学作用程度的调控,提供了一种简单高效提高复合材料界面性能的方法。

此外,材料学院黄剑锋教授、谈国强教授、刘辉教授、许占位副教授等在《Applied Catalysis B: Environmental》(IF=11.698)、《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》(IF=9.931)、《ChemSusChem》(IF=7.411)相继发表5篇高水平论文。材料学院教师李景雷,作为第一作者,以陕西科技大学为第二单位在材料科学领域著名期刊Advanced Materials(IF=21.950)上在线发表研究结果。



[1]Jinglei Li,Fei Li,Zhuo Xu,Shujun Zhang.Multilayer Lead-Free Ceramic Capacitors with Ultrahigh Energy Density and Efficiency.Advanced Materials, 2018, DOI :10.1002/adma.201802155.(IF=21.950)

[2] Liuqing Yang,Jianfeng Huang,*Li Shi, Liyun Cao, Huimin Liu, Yanyu Liu, Yunxiang Li, Hui Song, Yanni Jie, Jinhua Ye. Sb doped SnO2-decorated porous g-C3N4 nanosheet heterostructures with enhanced photocatalytic activities under visible light irradiation.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 221, 670-680.IF=11.698

[3] Ying Wang,Guoqiang Tan,*Ting Liu, Yuning Su, Huijun Ren, XinLei Zhang, Ao Xia, Long Lv, Yun Liu. Photocatalytic properties of the g-C3N4/{010} facets BiVO4 interface Z-Scheme photocatalysts induced by BiVO4 surface heterojunction.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 234, 37-49.IF=11.698

[4] Mengyan Li,Hui Liu,*Ting Lv, Meng Ding, Synergistic effect of the valence bond environment and exposed crystal facets of the TiO2/SnS2 heterojunction for achieving enhanced electrocatalytic oxygen evolution.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 3488-3499.(IF=9.931)

[5]Zhanwei Xu,* Kai Yao, Zhi Li, Licai Fu, Hao Fu, Jia Li, Liyun Cao, and Jianfeng Huang*. Sulfur Nanodots as Antiblocking Agent of MoS2 for Stable Sodium Ion Battery Anodes.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6,10535-10542.(IF=9.931)

[6]Chengbing Wang*, Wei Cheng, Pengjun Ma, Rongbin Xia, Xiaoming Ling, High performance Al–AlN solar spectrally selective coatings with a self-assembled nanostructure AlN anti-reflective layer.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017, 5, 2852-2860.(IF=9.931)

[7]Chengbing Wang, San Ling, Jin Yang, Dewei Rao*, Zhiguang Guo*. In situ atomic-scale observation of irradiation induced carbon nanocrystalline formation from dense carbon clusters.Small, 2018, 14,1702072.(IF=9.598)

[8]Kai Yao,Zhanwei Xu,* Zhi Li, Xinyue Liu, Xuetao Shen, Liyun Cao, and Jianfeng Huang*. Synthesis of Grain-like MoS2 for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries.ChemSusChem, 2018, DOI:10.1002/cssc. 201800512.(IF=7.411)

[9]Junli Liu,Mauricio D. Rojas-Andrade,Gustavo Chata,Yi Peng,Graham Roseman,Jia-En Lu,Glenn L. Millhauser,Chad Saltikov* andShaowei Chen*. Photo-enhanced antibacterial activity of ZnO/graphene quantum dot nanocomposites.Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 158-166.(IF=7.233Back Cover)

[10]Yongfei Cui, Joe Briscoe, Yaqiong Wang, Nadezda V. Tarakina, Steve Dunn.*Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Heterostructured Ferroelectric BaTiO3/alpha-Fe2O3 and the Significance of Interface Morphology Control,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 29, 24518-24526. (IF=8.097)

[11]Haojie Song, Zhiqiang Wang, Jin Yang, Xiaohua Jia,*Zhaozhu Zhang,Facile synthesis of copper/polydopamine functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposites with enhanced tribological performance.Chemical Engineering Journal,2017, 324, 51-62.IF=6.735

[12]Luo Kong,Chen Wang, Xiaowei Yin, Xiaomeng Fan, Wei Wang, Jianfeng Huang.Electromagnetic wave absorption properties of a carbon nanotube modified by a tetrapyridinoporphyrazine interface layer.Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 7479-7488.(IF=5.976)

[13]Qing Wu, Ruyi Zhao, Quansheng Ma, Jianfeng Zhu. Effects of degree of chemical interaction between carbon fibers and surface sizing on interfacial properties of epoxy composites.Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 163, 34-40.(IF=5.16)

(核稿:王卓 编辑:杜杨 学生编辑:王妮)

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