

2020-05-18 10:18 文、图/轻工学院 熊传银 点击:[]

近日,轻工科学与工程学院“生物质化学与材料院士创新团队”在基于天然木材和木质纤维素的新型炭质功能材料的研究中取得新进展。先后在材料和化工领域国际顶级期刊《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》(IF=10.733)和《Chemical Engineering Journal》(IF=8.355)上发表题为“负载花状NiS/Ni接合玻璃化物的智能多孔木材作为多功能材料应用于超级电容器、催化剂和传感器(Smart Porous Wood Supported Flower-like NiS/Ni Conjuction with Vitrimer Co-effect as Multifunctional Material with Reshaping, Shape-memory and Self-healing for High-Performance Supercapacitors, Catalysts and Sensors)”和“智能纸@聚苯胺纳米纤维玻璃化双功能器件在高性能超级电容器和传感器中的应用(A Smart Paper@Polyaniline Nanofibers Incorporated Vitrimer Bifunctional Device with Reshaping, Shape-Memory and Self-Healing Properties Applied in High-Performance Supercapacitors and Sensors)” 的高质量研究型文章。我校为论文第一作者单位和唯一通讯单位,轻工学院青年教师熊传银副教授为论文第一作者和通讯作者,课题组2018级硕士研究生李冰冰和李萌瑞分别为两篇论文的第二作者。


论文信息:Chuanyin Xiong, Bingbing Li, Heguang Liu, Wei Zhao, Chao Duan, Haiwei Wu, Yonghao Ni, Smart Porous Wood Supported Flower-like NiS/Ni Conjuction with Vitrimer Co-effect as Multifunctional Material with Reshaping, Shape-memory and Self-healing for High-Performance Supercapacitors, Catalysts and Sensors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0TA03664A.



论文信息:Chuanyin Xiong, Mengrui Li, Wei Zhao, Chao Duan, Lei Dai, Mengxia Shen, Yongjian Xu, Yonghao Ni, A Smart Paper@Polyaniline Nanofibers Incorporated Vitrimer Bifunctional Device with Reshaping, Shape-Memory and Self-Healing Properties Applied in High-Performance Supercapacitors and Sensors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2020.125318.



(核稿:张乾隆 编辑:雷超)

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